The Beauty of Yoga Outdoors


If there’s one thing that we’ve been lucky with during the lockdown months, it’s the weather. Mother nature gifted us with a beautifully sunny spring and now a hot summer, which is definitely helping to lift spirits after a very challenging start to the year. With restrictions easing, I have made the decision to take my yoga classes outdoors and make the most of the dry and warm evenings. If you are used to practicing with me indoors or online, these outdoor classes may feel a little out of your comfort zone. But, after doing some research in this area, there are actually a lot of benefits to taking part in an outdoor exercise class vs indoors. I’ve shared a few of these benefits below, in the hope that you can learn a little more about how special these outdoor classes really are. 

Vitamin D

Sunlight is good for you (in moderation). Exposure to the rays from the sun can increase levels of Vitamin D, which is important for immune function and healthy bones. This vitamin is essential for optimal health, so being outdoors and allowing it to be synthesised is super important. But of course, there’s a balance to be met here. We don’t want to risk burning or dehydration, so I always encourage you to bring water along to class with you, and if it looks like you might need it, please wear suncream too.

Connecting with Nature 

A 2012 study found that outdoor exercise can reduce the risk of poor mental health to a greater extent than indoor exercise. This may be due to the deeper connection that we experience with the natural world when outdoors and the benefit that this has on stress reduction. We are designed to coexist with nature and when we’re taking part in a yoga class where mindfulness is a very important aspect, we really tune in to this connection through all of our senses. We smell the grass and salt water, we feel the breeze and the sun against our skin, we hear the waves and the birds around us. We are fully immersed. This has a hugely calming and grounding effect. Plus, if you fall out of a pose (which we all do!), you have the lovely cushioning of the grass beneath you!

Social Interaction

One of the things that people say the most about the outdoor classes is: ‘it’s so nice to see people face to face and be able to have a laugh and a chat!’. This in person social interaction is something that we’ve all missed over the past few months and the bond between classmates feels even stronger outdoors. Not taking ourselves too seriously, having fun and chatting to one another are what these classes are all about. 

Some may feel concerned about taking part in a class in a public location because they may be seen by members of the public. These reservations are understandable, but as I’m sure you’ve experienced before in yoga classes indoors, when you are moving through postures you are so focussed on what you are doing that looking at what others are doing doesn’t even cross your mind! It’s the same outdoors. People who have attended outdoor classes have said that they don’t even notice members of the public around them. You are in your own little bubble moving in a way that feels good for your mind and body, and it’s really special.


Of course there can be cons to exercising outdoors too, like a sudden rain shower. But, from the feedback that I’ve had from those who have taken part in outdoor classes, I know that for the majority the benefits far outweigh the cons. I’d love for you to experience the beauty of an outdoor yoga class yourself! Click here to view my current timetable and email me at to book a slot.